You can’t go to the festival without having some amazing food! 

Our 2024 Bread and Honey Festival will have diverse food options for your family to enjoy!


Best Fajita in Town

Butter&Crème Bakery and BBQ

Cargo Pizza

Coffee Brake 

Festival Food Inc.

Forkin' Perogy

Fresh Pops

Glad I Ate Here 

Golden Grill

Ice Cream 4U Inc.

Lemon Heaven 

Ontario Corn Roasters 

Shirazees Patties and Samosas

Tropic Love Concessions 

Twisted Tomato

Bread and Honey Festival is a family-friendly event and will be supporting a smoke-free festival space in accordance with the City of Mississauga Parks By Law (0197-2020) and Smoking By Law (O094- 2014).”