Welcome 2025 Food Vendors!!

Food vendors please note.

We have several food sellers categories.

Food Trucks and Food vendors working from a 10 by 10 tent and table.

We ask you to complete the online application and you will be contacted with more info.

Food Vendors

To our valued Food Vendors: The Streetsville Founders Bread and Honey Festival is proud to be back in 2025, in our usual park location in Streetsville. We thank you for your application. Because space is limited we have an application deadline in place, which is March 31st 2025. All food vendors wishing to be considered must fill out the application in full and pay by the set deadline. All applications are reviewed. Applications deemed appropriate are accepted on the basis of available space, needed product, particular/gourmet/cultural/appealing offerings and compatibility with the festival. We do not offer exclusivity but we do strive not to exactly duplicate a product. Those accepted will be notified by the Bread and Honey Food chairperson. Upon acceptance the Food Vendor Fee is due. The Festival reserves the right to place all vendors. Vendor placement is at the discretion of the committee and is driven by the space available. All vendors MUST comply respectfully, with the space allotted to them.


Date of Festival June 6th, , June 7th  and 8th, 2025. Memorial Park Streetsville.

Submission of an application DOES NOT guarantee acceptance into the Festival. Cancellation 7 days before the Festival will forfeit 100% of your application fee (a 7-day cancellation grace period after the acceptance date is allowed with a full refund). 

The chair assigns a pre-determined space to all food truck vendors. All food (truck) vendors MUST abide by the parameters of the allocated space, including the determined and accepted parking angle, the directional angle, and the area provided between vendor trucks. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN THE REMOVAL OF YOUR TRUCK. 

Friday night load-in is permissible. All Friday vendors MUST be in their allotted spot by noon on June 6, 2025. All Friday night vendors must be food ready by 5 pm. Saturday vendors must arrive at the allotted times given to them by the chair. 

All food truck vendors must have a code-acceptable fire extinguisher on hand. All food vendors are responsible for ensuring their vending and food preparation areas remain clean and sanitary. 

There will be a daily charge for any spills, inappropriate disposal of refuse and/or excess garbage strewn about your area (grounds clean-up is available to support you if needed). 

All food vendors may operate until 11:00 pm on Friday night and Saturday night at their discretion. 

All food vendors are responsible for proof of in-force General Liability Insurance of at least $2 000 000 and an insurance certificate before the Festival naming Streetsville Founders Bread and Honey Festival and the City of Mississauga as additional insured under the policy. 

All food vendors must meet requirements for Region of Peel Health and the TSSA certificate; vendors are responsible for obtaining all permits and inspections related to food handling from the Department of Health before the Festival.

Vendor fees cover the space allotted: additional space may be arranged with the Festival with an added surcharge.

For more information click here